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2022 Conference


  Less familar aspects of  

  Lent, Holy Week, and Easter Day  

  in the late medieval Use of Sarum 

Speaker: Prof. John Harper

The American Sarum 2022 Conference once again takes place online.

It will run over three days, Monday through Wednesday, February 21-23, 2022.

There will be three sessions, each lasting about 90 minutes.


The conference is organized in collaboration with the Sacred Music Studies, Bangor University, Wales. It will include delegates from both sides of the Atlantic. Each session is therefore timed to be at a reasonable hour on the Pacific Coast, the East Coast, and in the United Kingdom.

11:00 AM — 12:30 PM (PST)

12:00 NOON — 1:30 PM (MST)

1:00 PM — 2:30 PM (CST)

2:00 PM — 3:30 PM (EST)

7:00 PM — 8:30 PM (GMT)


As with all American Sarum initiatives, we shall set out to explore and better understand the roots of Anglican practice in the liturgy of the late Middle Ages, but at the same time we shall seek to use that new knowledge and understanding as a starting point to reflect on, revalue, and even develop our current approaches to and practices of liturgy.


Lent, Holy Week and Easter Day, are at the center of the conference; but the focus is on less familiar parts of the liturgies at these core times in the Church’s Year.


The conference is being planned and led by John Harper. John has been part of the American Sarum initiative since our first conference in Bronxville in January 2011. He has been instrumental in shaping the themes and the worship, in which the reflective Office services he has devised have become an essential part of our gatherings. He has done similar work in the UK with past and present students of Sacred Music Studies.


John is currently working on the early evidence of the liturgy at the first cathedral at Salisbury, now generally known as Old Sarum. It was in this first cathedral that the new community of clergy was established at the end of the eleventh century, and where the liturgical customs and practices that we identify as Sarum Use were shaped and established in the twelfth century. This was the Use for which the new cathedral which we cherish today was built.

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