Less familar aspects of
Lent, Holy Week, and Easter Day
in the late medieval Use of Sarum
Virtual Conference
February 21-23, 2022
American Sarum.
Who We Are
The American Sarum movement is an on-going liturgical and musical laboratory examining Anglican liturgy and music which has been bequeathed to us from the medieval liturgies of Salisbury Cathedral. In an age when it is increasingly difficult to define what it means to be Anglican, our conferences examine the origins of our liturgical and musical Anglican heritage. Discussions and re-creations of early liturgical practices provide liturgical and musical insights that are intrinsically Anglican and completely relevant to the liturgies of the 21st century. Our conferences are for everyone, regardless of one’s own “high” or “low” churchmanship, who loves and respects our common Anglican heritage. We view these conferences as opportunities for clergy and musicians to come together to more deeply explore their common calling as liturgists, musicians, and leaders of worship. Our conferences have drawn from a global constituency with equal clergy and musician representation.
Do we espouse the recovery of glorious Sarum rituals for our liturgies today? No. What we do is mine the depths of Sarum liturgy to find ways in which the spirit of Sarum liturgy can inform our contemporary worship.

What We Do
"The Sarum Use is the pre-reformation liturgy of the English Church which American Sarum is helping to rediscover, not only as a fascinating liturgical use of a past age, but as a tradition of liturgy and music that has much to teach us today about contemporary worship."
ABOUT US Here is wgere we'll tell you about us
— The Revd Canon Jeremy Davies
Precentor of Salisbury Cathedral 1985-2012